Through Silence You Can Go to Any Realm

Author juliana From 6 years ago 8776

Through silence you can gain wisdom. You can view everything lightly when you make your heart silent.

You can reflect yourself in silence, to find what you can make up and what you can progress. You can promote and baptize your life in silence. You can gain epiphany in silence.

You can only learn to give up in silence. And you can only be silent when you have really give it up. You can’t be silent if you haven’t given it up.

Through silence you can go to any realm.

We shouldn’t imagine that life is full of springs. Everyone’s life is just destined to be full of ups and downs, happiness and sweetness and bitterness.

Life is about about from one dream to another, from a direction to another direction.

Don’t explain your life with troubles and learn to forgive imperfections in life. Learn to manage life with an attitude of going into society and gain something with an attitude of going out of society. You need to learn to go with the flow about your gains and loss. This is just the highest life realm of an attitude of letting it be.

All are aroused by causes and ideas. You will lose something or suffering from troubles if you are stubborn to chase for something. You can embrace everything if you can view everything peacefully.

When you just view everything as light as possible, it really doesn’t matter whether you are successful or fail in something. Instead, you can win something good and turn something bad into good.

What is really valuable is an ordinary heart and always be peaceful like water surface.

You shouldn’t be confused or attracted by something to the extreme.

You will easily get disease if you are unstable in your emotions. Ups and downs in life is just like ash. You can view things in the world very clearly and lightly.

People with real wisdom will always look into the future and they can really fight themselves. You should purify your heart by making it silent and gain moral ethics by getting rid of yourself.

Don’t remember to much or too long about things in the past or hearts in the past. Just go with the flow with your current heart. Don’t labor your heart too much for for your future.

You can’t really practice and fight yourself and gain silence if you’re always unsatisfied. Any satisfaction in your heart will just confuse your heart and make things worse.

We can only learn to have a right attitude towards life when we are satisfied with all we have.

We can do something well as long as we do it earnestly.

If we are always unsatisfied, this unsatisfying attitude will become a bad habit and ruin your life.

Flowers will be full of flavor if you plant them with heart. Dishes will be delicious if you cook them with your heart. People will be kind if you try to be a kind person with your heart. Friends will be your helpers if you make friends with heart. People will love you if you love people with heart. Buddha will give you blessing if you always learning Buddhism.

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