One thing that repels all women

Author Dominic Mann From Unlock Her Legs: How to Effortlessly Attract Women and Become the Man Women Unlock Their Legs For 6 years ago 7803

There's one thing that repels all women.

And yet most guys are the embodiment of this


What is it, you ask?

Well, I'll just give it away...

Here it is: Neediness

“But I'm not needy!” you cry out.

Yes, my friend, you almost certainly are.

You see, neediness isn't just the obvious things, such as being obsessive, going through her texts, calling her 69 times a day, and getting super jealous every second she's not with you.

Being needy comes through, even in the small things. It comes through subtly, at times in the way you talk to her, treat her, act around her, and so on.

But the most clear sign of a needy man, by far, is the overall relationship dynamics. Although I'm using the word "relationship" this can apply to meeting a woman for the first time, dating, being in a long-term relationship, etc.

“Now?”you ask. “What do you mean by relationship dynamics?”

Good question, my friend.

blow, a word of warning: This is going to sound very Machiavelliaa But I want you to bear with me.

You see, it comes down to this: How much effort are you putting into the relationship or woman?

In other words, how invested are you in her and the relationship?


A surefire sign of a needy man is a man who invests a lot of time, energy, effort and even money into a woman while getting very little, if anything, in return.

The more you invest in a woman, the less attracted to you she is. It's really that simple.

For you analytical types, the amount of time/energy/effort/emotion/money a man invests in a woman is negatively correlated to her attraction. (Except, of course, for the fact that he needs to invest a little bit to get her number, set up a date, flirt a bit, etc.)

I know this is completely contrary to all that feel-good emotional society pumps into you about how you just need to show her what a nice guy you are.

I know you’ve been taught that the way to get a babe is to wine and dine her for months and buy her flowers and chocolates and take her for rides in your fancy car. That if only you could be nicer to her than every other guy she’s met, then she'll want to sleep with you.

But it's all a lie.

It's not what women are biologically hardwired to find attractive.

At best, this sort of needy behavior will land you in the friend zone, at worst, she'll find you sexually repulsive. Either way, you lose.

The ironic truth is that the neediest get the least. Needy men get what others give them, not what they want.

Men who have zero neediness, on the other hand, get exactly (and often more than) what they want. Women find them irresistible.

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