• Top 4 Tips to Develop Your Character and Make Yourself Stand Out

    Ask yourself this: If you were lined up next to 10 random, single men from your town, what would make you stand out from them? Imagine a woman met all 10 of you in a row. What is there about you that would stop her dead in her tracks and make her say, “wow, this man is unique?” what do you have that they don’t? What can you offer that most other men can’t?Do you secretly write poet
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 16763
  • Vocal Tonality Matters in Dating

    We actually have two “voices”: a “head” voice and a “chest” voice. Basically, when you sing, your head voice does the high notes and the chest voice does the low ones. Your head voice breathes out largely through your nose while yoru chest voice through your mouth. The head voice comes from the throat and the chest voice from the diaphragm.Try this exercise. Hum a note, then sl
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 13624
  • Relationships Are A Compromise but Don’t Compromise on the Basics

    Relationships are a compromise, but don't compromise on the basics. Compromise on movie choices, politics, tidiness and the fact that one partner may be an extrovert while the other is an introvert. These are fun compromises which help us grow and love.As we’ve previously discussed, everyone has baggage, but let’s give you a fighting chance to survive the relationship. You don’t
    Gregg Michaelsen 7 years ago 10767
  • The Bible Has Clearly Defined Guidelines for Dating

    People didn’t date in biblical times. Dating as a socially accepted means of finding a mate has been around for less than a century. Before that, strict courtship rituals governed the path to marriage whom you married wasn’t even up to your most of the time. Falling in love before you got married or engaged is a twentieth century concept. Dating as we know it occurred after marriage. I
    Doris J. Barnes 7 years ago 9714
  • Matt and His “Can I Pee in Your Butt”?

    "Hey honey, can I pee in your butt?”I stood there horrified as my friend shouted this at literally every attractive girl who came within five feet of us.The year was 2006. I was in college, and at the time, to help myself get better with girls, I started hanging out with a couple guys who got more women than anyone else I knew. I was young and naive and needy and still saw relations
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 14263
  • How to Share Your Personal Stories in Dating?

    A conversation is basically a sharing of personal stories between two or more people. This is the way humans connect with each other emotionally. Either negatively by considering the story teller dumb, or what not for doing something. Or, we may agree and even relate with them, which commonly brings people together.As you listen to someone telling their story in your mind you start imagini
    Jordan Alexo 7 years ago 9344
  • Five Dates to Test Him

    To see how a man is into you, you need to set several tests for him according to your own sense of propriety. Five dates to test him as below are given for you to take as reference: damsel in distress; jealousy test; friend test; daytime or morning date; “join my passion” date.1) Damsel in distressLet’s say this guy had made it into your koi pond. You have dated him a few times. One
    Gregg Michaelsen 7 years ago 12866
  • Do You Know the Power in Vulnerability?

    When most men hear the word “vulnerability”, their immediate reaction is to associate it with weakness. Traditionally, men are always raised to withhold their emotions, to not show weakness and to ignore any hint of introspection. Some popular dating advice even encourage men to be aloof, standoffish, judgmental and at times scathing towards women. Men even have a lot of negative ass
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 10268
  • What Is Nice Guy Syndrome?

    Not all men suffer from the full spectrum of the nice guy syndrome. However, it seems that they always have at least one of the negative traits as follow: being sexually passive; being needy with women; being insecure in financial situation and sexuality-related aspects.1 - Being Sexually PassiveThe fact is most women enjoy sex probably as much as men do. However, women get mostly aroused
    Jordan Alexo 7 years ago 10387
  • When You Need Help to Attract Her?

    So you're having trouble with the ladies, You still want to attract her?Well, fear not, my friend. Help is on the way.Now, there are several potential reasons for your stint of involuntary celibacy.First, and perhaps most likely, you've taken to heart the belief that if only you were nice enough and could show women what a great guy you are, they'd be all over you. I mean, you
    Dominic Mann 7 years ago 10395

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