• Gentle and Teasing Caresses and Slow—Then Vigorous

    In initial loveplay, women often prefer gentle and teasing caresses, and may like intercourse to start off with easy, shallow thrusts. She may like to flirt and start making love with clothes still on. She may love it when you tease her body and softly blow in her ear, kiss her neck, and do not immediately head for her breasts or genitals. The pleasure will gradually grow and will be excit
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 12207
  • The Art of Kissing

    Women enjoy variety in kissing, and the mouth can be extremely sensuous. Hereby three types of kissing are introduced: butterfly kisses, gently sucking, warm and connecting kisses, deeping kissing.Butterfly kisses. Lightly kiss all over her face and body keeping lips soft and gentle. Kiss her eyelids, behind her ear her neck, between her breasts, and all over her stomach and thighs. Be lig
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11341
  • Empathy Is the Key to Greay Sexual Communication

    The essence of effective sexual communication is a dialogue that ends in empathy. One partner has assertively stated his or her reality, and the other partner has been able to walk in his or her shoes to understand and acknowledge that reality This what empathy is all about—understanding. It it not agreeing,but rather hearing and acknowledging another reality that often differs from
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 17939
  • Coaching to Maximize Your Sex Life

    In your sex life there are some things your mate does that really turn you on and others that really turn you off. You have to tell your partner what you want and what you dislike, including specific behaviors and attitudes that are appreciated or get in the way. This is the coaching process. You want to maximize your sex life? Talk! Emphasize and practice the positive!Here are some import
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11775
  • A Note to Husbands

    Sex is more than physical; it does unite us emotionally and spiritually, too. And women are far more emotionally tuned into sex than they are visually tuned into sex. They really do approach sex differently than the way most men do. If you have a close relationship, usually the libido still falls into place.Nevertheless, there are some things that you can do to help. Both spouses owe it to
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 10672
  • Relational and Individual Needs Changes with Changing Environment

    Children are stressors as they enter the teenage years and begin struggles for independence, then parents incur the expense of their children's college educations, and eventually, the nest is empty. This can have a positive and a negative impact on a couple's sex life. On the positive side there is more time to get together with greater privacy and flexibility. The negative emotion
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 14076
  • Do You Know the Real Truth about the Seduction Process?

    From the perspective of biology, women have a lot more to lose than men when it comes to sex. This makes them tend to be more pickier in choosing their sexual partners and life partners. However, historically speaking, men had fewer repercussions for promiscuity and they even have some advantages by being promiscuous.Whether it’s biological or cultural or some mixture of both, the fact i
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 10993
  • Do You Always Access the Power of Your Position and Hate Evil?

    Some men were real enough to admit, “The reason I haven’t stopped looking at cybersex is that it is too exciting and I don’t think I want to give it up yet.” Lack of sexual integrity can be a sin problem, plain and simple, and this man couldn’t see what sugar-coated poison he was eating. “The mind of the sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and pea
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11435
  • Why You’ve Got to Initiate Your Desire?

    This passage discusses how to make sex something that unites you, rather than something that drives a wedge between you. And so let’s talk about an issue: What really matters in a marriage is not so much the frequency of sex (though that is important) as the enthusiasm and the passion.So much of a man’s self-esteem especially is tied into whether or not his wife desires him sexual
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 12413
  • Have You Tried to Keep Your Bedroom as An Inviting Oasis?

    When our children were babies we were living in a tiny two- bedroom apartment. Our computer was in our bedroom. Our duvet was old and rather ugly. In fact, everything in that room was old and rather ugly.One winter, after a particularly grueling year during which were grieving the loss of our little boy, we decided to head south for a vacation and recoup. When we came home, my mother and a
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 12599

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