Guilt is one of the root causes of anger. We inherently know that we are not built for guilt. We may not consciously realize it, but our system rebels against it. God wants us to feel loved and accepted, and for that reason we are told again and again in His Word that He loves us unconditionally. Even when we were still in our sin and before we cared about God at all or even attempted to do anything right, He loved us and sent His Son to die for us and pay for our sins.
When we receive Jesus as our Savior, He takes our sin and gives us His righteousness (see 2 Cor. 5:21). I doubt that many of us understand the full impact of that. At no price to us, we are made right with God. We can feel right instead of wrong!
Why not take a step of faith and try it? Say or think something good about yourself. I am not encouraging a wrong kind of pride, but I am encouraging you to be bold enough to believe you are the wonderful person God says you are.
In Psalm 139, David confessed that he knew God had made him and then said, “Wonderful are Your works, and that my inner self knows right well” (v. 14). Do you believe in your heart that God carefully created you and that you are wonderful? Most people would be afraid to believe that. Why are we more comfortable feeling bad about ourselves than feeling good? Is it because we focus on our faults and rarely even glance at our strengths? We punish ourselves for our failures, but rarely celebrate our victories.
God loves you and sees the good in you. He sees what you are becoming and will be and is not overly concerned about your faults. He knew all of them when He invited you to be in an intimate relationship with Him. All He wants is your love and a willingness to grow in Him.
Your presence is a present to the world. You are unique and one of a kind. Do not ever forget, for even a day... how very special you are!