• Making Love an Emotional Choice and Avoid Distraction

    Making love an emotional choiceYour wife is more likely to make a cognitive decision when she wants to make love and appreciates having the opportunity to create the right mental and emotional attitude. It isn't the more immediate, hormonal surge that it can be with you. Wives love surprises and being spontaneous, but they are usually not crazy about quickies or jumping into bed the mi
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 6 years ago 16275
  • Those Who Just Cry in Late Night Isn’t Qualified to Talk about Life

    I had once argued with a friend about a question when talking about life: “which will last longer in people’ memory — joys or pains?” What I gave by then was joys.Till days ago when I recalled an incident happened in my adolescent time did I felt the pain of losing someone I loved by then still engraved in my heart. At that time, I did bad in math. However, my parents and teachers
    juliana 6 years ago 10328
  • Big Changes in Life Are Mostly Based on A Core Habit

    According to a research issued by Duke University in 2006, 40% of all behaviors of people in daily life are not based on decisions but on habits. The power of habits is very influential. It even can affect a fortune of somebody to a certain degree. Jobs once said that you were cultivating habits in the first 30 years in life while your habits will decide who you are in the next 30 years.
    juliana 6 years ago 10997
  • 10 Sentences Women Should Learn to Live Happily

    There are lots of things women need to learn in daily life. To live happily, 10 sentences women should learn as well as possible. This article is going to share with you about these 10 sentences.1. Learn to be happy.No one will pay for your pain because mood is yours and you should remind yourself often: I love you!2. Learn to appreciate yourself.It is said that apple fell onto Newton’s head whe
    juliana 6 years ago 12812
  • Happiness May Come Late but It Won’t Be Absent

    Time elapses just like water under the bridge. People just get aged in the continuous changes of different seasons and they gradually become toughed in heart. Scenery in those past months and years have been suspended by the shore of the time, and been brushed by the wind of experiences. Those have been past will forever be in the past. Nothing you can do to change them. What you were so
    juliana 6 years ago 15806
  • Nurturing Through Orgasms between George and Helen

    George had a higher desire for sexual activity than Helen did. She explained that it wasn’t that she didn’t like sex or didn't have a desire to make love, she just did not want to become actively involved on some evenings when she was fatigued. The following technique revolutionized their sex life. At least once a week, she pleasured him to an orgasm without her active participatio
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 6 years ago 13984
  • Diseases Reflect Negative Emotions in Your Body

    You can only always be healthy by being friendly with your emotions. And being friendly with your emotions will help cure your diseases. Negative emotions often are raised in conflicts. And most of those conflicts just come from inconsistency between our expectations and the reality. So actually health state of a person is result of balance between his body, inner heart and mutual relati
    juliana 6 years ago 10263
  • In Good Marriages Couples Do Housework together

    In Anthony Browne’s Piggy Book, there is a story of a family: mother Mrs. Zhu is tired for doing various housework everyday while father Mr. Zhu and the son just do nothing. The father and son often urge Mrs. Zhu to prepare breakfast as early as possible. After her husband goes to work and her son goes to school, Mrs. Zhu begins to wash the dishes, sort the bed, clean the carpet and then
    juliana 6 years ago 16050
  • 10 Good Habits to Help You Live Better in 2018

    Different people just have very different expectations and wishes in the new year. No matter what your good wishes list is, you should live a life as you want. You should try your best to manage well each day and live yourself up. Then you will live better in the year 2018. Here 10 good habits are given as reference for you to improve your life quality.1. Don’t stay up too late.There are
    juliana 6 years ago 15722
  • 10 Reasons Why Introvert People Are More Successful

    Some researches has estimated that 70% of successful people in the world are actually introvert people. Being introvert is influential to success of people to a certain degree. Einstein, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett are all introvert people. Why introvert people tend to be more successful? Successful people are always good at talking and speaking in public and most people consider that ext
    juliana 6 years ago 16752

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