• Online Dating Etiquette and Other Tips

    Online dating is unlike any other dating experience. You will come across many different types of people, but you should still hold your ground to care about online dating etiquette in any case. Remember that you don't owe anyone a response, especially if they are rude, annoying or intrusive. However, if someone contacts you in the nicest possible manner, you should always reply even
    Andrew M. Parsons 6 years ago 9246
  • What’s Your Fantasy about the One?

    By asking about your fantasy, I refer merely to the shadowy fairytale partner lurking in your subconscious. The one who comes into sharp focus whenever talk of coupling up happens. It’s possible you've made a list; all the qualities that you knew God was laying on your heart. The perfect combination of personality, character, faith, age, physical appearance, and so much more that mea
    Doris J. Barnes 6 years ago 9572
  • Is It A Prophetic Word from God or Dreaming?

    “Someone gave me a prophetic word that my future husband lives in a particular city, that I must step out in faith to meet him, and that we’ll have children, which I long for, ” said the letter. I’m very excited and I’m now planning to relocate. This will mean leaving my job and moving to a place where I don't know anyone, but I want to be obedient and it'll be worth it t
    Doris J. Barnes 6 years ago 8740
  • How Light Can Be Used to Create Romance?

    When it comes to creating romance, the function of light cannot be ignored anymore as it is a great source of romance. Close your eyes to imagine how romantic it would be to be dating in a place with wonderful light source! Those light source could be of different origins such as light of candles, light of festive lanterns, or light of stage lamps.Romance from light of candlesPeople often
    Juliana 6 years ago 8860
  • How to Deal with Logistics on Dating Commitment and Consistency?

    A girl might like you. However, she genuinely has a bad logistics to date you. For example, she can't meet you due to genuine reasons such as travel reasons, her exams, and the close relative passed away, etc. Please don't mistake this as a shit test. Show empathy, often men are taught since young to toughen up be tough, etc. but there is nothing bad showing compassion a little b
    Bui Guru 6 years ago 13515
  • How to Create the Perfect Online Profile?

    Building your profile on your chosen site is an incredibly important step. Sites will often offer tips to a successful profile, such as: “tell others what your hobbies and interests are,” or “describe what you look for in a partner.” Do these things. You wouldn’t go to a job interview without a resume, and you shouldn’t have an account on a dating site without a description. Th
    Kerry Brinkworth 6 years ago 8086
  • Dating by Taking Part in A Gardening Lesson

    Have you ever participated any gardening lesson in your kindergarten or primary school time? Do you still remember the excitement you have when you are so close to the nature and talked so much about them with your classmates and teachers. Then how do you feel if you could date someone by taking part in a gardening lesson? Wouldn’t it be more exciting if you could recall and re-experie
    Juliana 6 years ago 10070
  • One Tip to Texting Men Online

    As a relationships and dating coach, I always have readers/ clients/friends asking me to check texts/emails before they send them to a man. They often over analyse what they send, worried that they may sound needy or not show enough interest. If I were to give you my top tip to texting men online, it would be this:Focus on how the text makes the other person feel.Too often we think about
    IONA YEUNG 6 years ago 8574
  • What Women Really Want From A Date?

    If you were and adult men, you probably have had rich experience in dating women. Even though you haven’t any, you certainly have thought about the such an exciting situation. However, how much have you thought about what women really want from a date? Probably very few.Dating is about connection in the end. The images that come to mind when I think back to some of my best dates are eye-
    Jordan Gray 6 years ago 8496
  • A Part-time Job Brings Jane to Know Samuel

    Thinking about how a woman and a man, who hadn’t known about each other before, get to know each other. You might be able to think of many occasions of dating. For Jane and Samuel, it is Jane’s part-time job that brings her to meet Samuel.Jane was graduated from a college with a bachlor degree majoring in French. Since graduation she came to New York to find a job of her own — an int
    Juliana 6 years ago 10647

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