• Sweet Text Messages For Her or Him(2)

    Following are the other romantic,cute and sweet text message for him or her:* Even if the whole world turns on you, I will stand up for you. I am your lover and protector.* Always and forever, I know your name, I know you heart and I know how I feel.* Guess what? :) ..You just made me smile today by replying to this text.* I love the way your hair tumbles down when you laugh...I love when yo
    Lynda Evans 7 years ago 7979
  • Sweet Text Messages For Her or Him

    Discover the exact words and methods for sending sweet text messages that will melt any woman's heart! Want even more free romance that will help relgnite the spark in your relationship? There are the romantic, cute and sweet text messages for her and him as follows:* I wish you were here with me...you make the day so much more fun.* When we do finally meet, I am going to give you a mill
    Lynda Evans 7 years ago 11111
  • Some Marriage Humor!

    After 35 years of marriage, a husband and wife came for counseling. When asked what the problem was, the wife went into a tirade listing every problem they had ever had in the years they had been married.On and on and on: neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling unloved and unlovable, an entire laundry list of unmet needs she had endured.Finally, after allowing this for a
    Joan Sipll 7 years ago 7918
  • Red flags On Marriage(2)

    More red flags: controlling, temperamental, not clean, doesn't share or not close to your religious conviction, political fanatic or different beliefs than yours.The major decisions in life...religious preferences, children (how many do you want.... do you want any), financial goals, where do you want to live... If these answers are very different, it is a major red flag.Someone who is
    Joan Sipll 7 years ago 10996
  • Red Flags On Marriage(1)

    Rea flags (Seriously consider before taking the step...taking the vows.)If your friends and family don't like him/her, reconsider! They know and love you too!If you do not have a common interest that will anchor the two of you together, it will be a long road.If you do not have something to talk about on a daily basis. Remember you will not have youth, wealth, jobs, family, friends.But y
    Joan Sipll 7 years ago 7857
  • Best Advice On Marriage

    Read about different personalities early on and figure our your mate’s love language. Keep that dose-you need it. Conseling will help you assess if your upcoming marriage is desirable for both. Often that is done by the church. Do not forget that we come from different backgrounds and families. With marriage, one have taken that into consideration. Trust needs to be place each partn
    Joan Sipll 7 years ago 12952
  • All Best Advice On Marriage

    Marry your best friend.Best advice:•Laugh a lot•Develop common friendships•Have private time together besides the bedroom•Have private time together including the bedroom•Have private time with your children (1 on 1)•Share realistic expectations for your children•Talk through tough times•Listen to one another•Understand and acknowledge your belief systems Go with God- The cl
    Joan Sipll 7 years ago 15370
  • What Is Marriage ?(2)

    Marriage is:-sharing everyday with your best friend-sharing everyday with a person you respect-sharing everyday with a person who shares your beliefs-sharing everyday with a person who only wants you to be the best person you can be.-sharing everyday with the person who knows you have hit the wall and steps in without asking. Marriage is loving, respecting, trusting, being best friends an
    Joan Sipll 7 years ago 14241
  • What Is Marriage ?(1)

    Marriage is...Caring no matter how bad of a situation or how little a situation. It's learning to listen even when you don‘t want to hear. In short, it's about being there for one another even when you feel like it's not important enough to you. But it may be very important to your partner. It’s about sharing, caring, and being best friends.Marriage is:•Laughter•Trust
    Joan Sipll 7 years ago 13685
  • Unconditional love

    Unlike romantic love, unconditional love does not seek pleasure or gratification. Unconditional love is more a state of receptivity and allowing, which arises from our own "basic goodness". Unconditional love means that "I love you no matter what happens", not "no matter what you do to me." It means under any condition life throws at us.The strength of a coupl
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 15356

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