• Making Time and Timing

    Any healthy,stable and happy relationships shall be well-managed. If little time you have, you may be lingered with stress and bad attitudes. Your relationship with your significant other shall be well-managed by enough time and earnest efforts from both of you.Before You Go - Gwen & GregGwen was trying to spice up the romance by waiting until her husband got suited up for work, and th
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 13443
  • Do You Always Pursue Lost Romance or Affectionate Habits?

    Any relationship cannot survive on its own. They needs to be enriched with nutrition from both sides. Mutual care and nurturing in a relationship can create mutual beneficial connection. To foster a deep and loving relationship, lost romance and old habits had to be regained especially for couples in a relationship for a long time.Lost Romance - Jermaine & DonnaBefore they had children
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 12870
  • How Much Do You Know about Forgiveness?

    Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well.It is a very important quality in people's personality especially in a relationship or marriage life. Forgiveness is the antidote to resentment wh
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 14489
  • Do You Always Empathize?

    Empathy is always defined as the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner. It is a great factor helping improve a deep level of intimacy in a relationship. H
    Marriage: 13 Secrets to Turn Around Conflict to Rebuild Trust, Connection & Intimacy In Your Relationship 7 years ago 16034 Read more...
  • What Are Your Boundaries?

    The Webster dictionaries defines boundaries as something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent.Establishing personal boundaries in your relationship can be quality and dynamic tool. Our environment consists of what is outside and inside our body, soul and spirit. You need to learn about your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in your body, soul, and spirit.You also need to lean h
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 14970
  • Acceptance Makes Your Life More fulfilling

    Among all the factors affecting a marriage or relationship among a couple, acceptance is one of the key ones but still some people may ignor how it matters to a happy long term marriage. From the definition perspective, acceptance can be defined as the act of taking or receiving something offered. In human psychology the word is used to describe a person's assent to the reality of a
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 12240
  • Resolving Conflicts and Fights Can Lead to Building Trust and Intimacy

    Laws are rules for society. There are rules for board games. There are ways to resolve conflict. The general goal of a fair discussion should be to better undersand one another and to collaboratively confirm a solution catering the conflict. Resolving conflicts and fights can finally lead to build trust and intimacy. However, actually many couples are good at raising conflicts but don'
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 12688
  • Are You Preparing for Conflict?

    In connection with other people, conflict is unavoidable and even for people who are married. Since it's unavoidable and shall be faced, you have to be prepared for conflict and seek resonable solutions to solve it instead of escaping or facing it with an improper way.The following are two examples how couples are not well prepared for conflict or treat it in a bad way.Withdrawal- Mary
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 12768
  • Are You Honest and Open Enough?

    Honesty builds trust.Honesty and openness to each other in a relationship means far more than just seeking each other for advice by hiding your own inner thoughts or just frankly tells your thoughts in an inapproriate way.And what you shall be honest about shall be far more than just about the present moment you are together.To fulfilling understand honesty, let's view two couples'
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 9236
  • Are You A Pedestal Partner or A Partner beyond Priority?

    Let’s have a look at exmaples of two couples in marriage first. Then relfect by yourself to check whether you are a pedestal partner or a partner beyond priority. If any of the two is similar to yours or just fits you, please pay attention to this problem. And refer to the secret at the end of this passage to solve this problem, finnally you will definitely solve it without considering i
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 7208

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