• “Like mother, like daughter” and “like father, like son” is not a myth

    In a relationship, your partner's family background shall be potentially considered. The saying "Like mother, like daughter" and "like father, like son" isn't a myth. It doesn't mean that the girl you marry will turn out to be exactly like her mother nor that the man will be exactly like his father. This just means that we're greatly influenced by our pa
    Gary D. Chapman 7 years ago 18434
  • "Having My Way" or "Discovering Our Way"?

    As individuals we have different desires, different likes and dislikes, different things that irritate and please us. Therefore, it is inevitable that all marriages have conflicts. Some couples learn how to resolve conflicts in a friendly manner while others resort to heated arguments. How to confront with conflicts in marriage? Should we "have my way" or "discover our way&q
    Gary D. Chapman 7 years ago 8395
  • The Three R's of Successful Rebuilders(2)

    Sometimes the betrayal has caused so much damage (especially true when multiple lies and betrayals occurred), the hurt spouse wants no contact for a while.They allow offended partners the time they need to process their confused feelings. The hurt spouse may need to see whether the straying partner is committed to real recovery, apart from offering any assurance of reconciliation. A
    Linda J. MacDonald 7 years ago 10402
  • The Three R's of Successful Rebuilders(1)

    Successful Rebuilders face the fact that their season of betrayal will require significant time and effort to repair. Rebuilders don’t allow themselves to be discouraged by this. They accept the challenge with humility. They believe that in the long run, a restored marriage is usually better than a devastating divorce or everyone concerned. They courageously pursue their assignment to un
    Linda J. MacDonald 7 years ago 14468
  • How to Find Your Love Language?

    Since there are five love languages, you need to make efforts to find your own love language in order to maintain a long-term relationship. Hereby, three approaches to help discover your own primary love language are given.The approaches invole observation on your behavior, reflection on your complaints and requests from your inner heart.First, observe your own behavior. You shall reflect
    Gary D. Chapman 7 years ago 10496
  • How Will The Successful Rebuilders Do When They Realize The Seriousness Of Their Betrayals?

    When they get awareness of the harm they've caused others, even more than themselves,Successful Rebuilders are no longer fooled by their fickle feelings. They: • seek counsel to reflect on the big picture• identify their misdeeds and accept responsibility• consider the disadvantages of leaving a known but imperfect spouse for a deceitful lover who colluded as their partner in
    Linda J. MacDonald 7 years ago 9249
  • What Is The Straying Spouses’s Struggles After Discovery?

    Betrayers getting the profundity of their hurtful behaviors for the family, they will complicate their own inner turmoil. Those who step out of their marriages are usually only thinking about themselves. After discovery, straying spouses typically continue the habit of thinking only of themselves and their tumultuous emotions. Here are a few of their struggles: • They are confu
    Linda J. MacDonald 7 years ago 11191
  • Qualities of Successful Rebuilders: Getting it(2)

    Getting the wrongness of their behaviors. Most betrayers only begin to comprehend the true nature of their behaviors after they are discovered by the offended. Upon exposure, unfaithful persons naturally want to run and hide or minimize their actions. Unlike their failing counterparts, Successful Rebuilders muster the courage to identify their hurtful behaviors for what they are:
    Linda J. MacDonald 7 years ago 12229
  • Qualities of Successful Rebuilders: Getting it?

    The most important quality that an unfaithful spouse needs in order to successfully regain their offended partner’s trust, is that the betrayer "gets it". "Getting it" means that straying spouses understand the wrongness of their behaviors and the depth of the pain they have caused their spouses. Rebuilders need to effectively renounce their old behaviors and dev
    Linda J. MacDonald 7 years ago 9299
  • When “the Tingles” Strike

    “The tingles” refers to a kind of feeling as below: you had feelings for a girl that you had never felt with any other girl. When you kissed, it was like a trip to heaven. When you saw her after an extended absence, you actually felt chill bumps. You liked everything about her. You liked the day she looked, the way she talked, the way she walked and she was especially captived by her b
    Gary D. Chapman 7 years ago 9297

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