• You Do What You Value

    Everything we do is in support of something we value. Relationships are established on exchanges of feelings, communications and acts. Some people value honesty and loyalty most while some value mutual respect most. Keep the idea the "you do what you value" in mind is of great beneficial for you to solve any matters concerning trust or respect.Think about it. You can only underst
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 11894 Read more...
  • Do you Know Judgments are Self-fulfilling Prophecies?

    In building trust in a relationship, the first thing to do is to let go of any judgment. When thinking about something, just quit thinking what people did was somehow "bad" or "wrong". This kind of judgment only keeps you seperate and distrustful.The process of quiting this kind of judgment is undoubtedly not easy. After all, our society is full of such judgments. Our e
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 11069 Read more...
  • Have You Discovered What You Value?

    "Your personal core values define who you are, and a company's core values ultimately define the company's character and brand. For individuals, character is destiny. For organizations, culture is destiny."-Tony HsiehValues are a part of us and they always highlight what we stand for and even represent our unique and individual essence. Most of our behaviors are guided by
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 9239 Read more...
  • Leave the Past behind

    Leaving the past behind is the "secret sauce" of any successful marriage. Have you noticed how issues from the past creep into your present relationship regardless of your good intentions at the start? Often people take what has happened in the past and they expect that and this is most likely what's going to happen to them in the future. They simply live into the prediction
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 10107 Read more...
  • The Big Marriage Myth

    Like most people, what you want is a healthy and happy relationship with the person you married. If now that it's not going quite the way you had in mind, the first thing you need to do is back up a little to the beginning of your marriage. Look within yourself to discover that you value deeply about all aspects of the problems or frustrations you face in your relationship. When doin
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 12032 Read more...
  • 7 Self-care Tips

    When you cultivate your own personal values, dreams, and desires, you maintain your sense of self. While on the surface this may appear selfish, it's really a wonderful way to re-establish the full and rewarding marriage you hope for. When you do this, you're in a better position to give all of the beautiful gifts you have to offer to your relationship when you spend time as a coup
    How to Rekindle an Unhappy Marriage - overcome resentment and regain the trust you need 7 years ago 10168 Read more...
  • What Shall You Learn to Deal with In-law Relationships?

    Even though there maybe too many problems to deal with in a in-law relationship. There are still something you can learn to deal with them properly and effectively. Hereby, this passage provides several suggestions on dealing with in-law relationship. You're suggested to learn to listen, learn to negotiate and learn their love language.Learn to listenWith your stepping into marriage, y
    Gary D. Chapman 7 years ago 11393
  • Five Key Issues Needed to Be Delt with in Mother-in-law and Father-in-law Relationships

    When you get married, you're not just getting married with a single person but with his or her whole family. Therefore, you certainly have to deal with different kinds of relationships and the most intimate of these relationships will be with your spoused parents - your mother-in-law or father-in-law. In the following are five typical areas that will call for understanding and negotiation.&nbs
    Gary D. Chapman 7 years ago 11541
  • Is A Credit Card Needed within Marriage?

    An important matter that needs to be discussed by every couple is credt buying. Nowadays, medias nearly screams every corner : "Buy now, pay later." What is not stated is that if you buy now without cash, you will pay much more later as interest rates on charge accounts have a wide range.A guiding principle on whether a credit cart shall be needed or not is, if you have a credit
    Gary D. Chapman 7 years ago 9810
  • Mutual Sexual Fulfillment is Not Automatic (2)

    Before marriage, two people in a relationship always tend to anticipate too much and have a high level of sexual attraction for each other. Both always anticipate that their marriage would be heaven for both of them. However, after wedding, they may discover that what is heavenly for one may be hell for the other due to differences between males and females from both physical perspective
    Gary D. Chapman 7 years ago 11283

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