• Creating A Life You Love Starts with You

    To get rid of anger or other other bad feelings always make you feel unhappy, you need to understand what lies beneath under some angry words you may later regret, you have to remember that creating a life you love starts with you. Moreover, you need to learn several steps that will lead back to more happiness in your life.Understand what lies beneath all the angry wordsIn life we create a
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 9638 Read more...
  • On Saying Something You Regret in Relationships

    When in conflicts or arguments, people always say something they maybe regretful later. The same time when you feel regretful, you should also realize that you have only limited options and you're not alone in behaving in a way as you do. Meanwhile, you should be clear of some patterns of misinterpretations.Limited optionsPeople end up saying some types of things they may be regretful
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 10903 Read more...
  • Is Being Right More Important or Being Happy More Important in Marriage?

    When your spouse doesn't support you with enough respect or encouragement, or even share in the small joys of your life, you may become frustrated, resentful and even angry. You may even not accept it even if they make apologies to you. All those bad feelings may even become so intense that you even think about ending your marriage. Cultivated and growing up in our social environment,
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 10216 Read more...
  • Do Always Feel Happy as Happiness Is Contagious

    Once you realize what is really important to you, you have found your personal values.Then you're beginning in the process of living in harmony with your personal values. The actions you take in the process will enrich your life as well as that of your spouse. In such a process, you need to think about the questions below. Will increasing your skill at knowing and acting on what you
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 10111 Read more...
  • Are You Playing Well with Others?

    Just think about it when you're learning in kindergarten. There always seemed one kid whose report card said, "Does not play well with others." Do you think that this will affect the kid's future life when he grows up. Similarly, you can reflect yourself. Do you have issues in your marriage you want to work out? Would you like to get along better with people in your life,
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 9056 Read more...
  • Is Alignment Really Essential?

    We're living in a world with very little attempt to align cultural values embedded within behaviors like "cleaning up your own mess".We're raised in a culture where our behaviors are taught to us using a system of punishment and reward. You can either do it and get a reward or don't do it and get punished. Moreover, we're taught to focus our attention to judge who
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 9337 Read more...
  • Remember It's Not All About You

    Did you ever had the experience of being hurt by things said by people you care about? If you've ever had such experience, maybe your first reactions is to respond with something equally hurtful. If you've ever got the experience, will you accept what they have said and apologize? If you're like most people, neither of these options seems very satisfying.Negative problems may b
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 9418 Read more...
  • How to Negotiate Reasonably to Win Your Relationship?

    Anytime when you have conflicts within a relationship, will you choose to negotiate or compromise? Do you know the difference between negotiation and compromise. Will you take everyone's needs into consideration? Compared with compromise, negotiation is a better way to confront with different opinions within a marriage. Negotiation is only possible when you have an explorer's min
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 10615 Read more...
  • New Approach to It's All about You

    When you are in a state when you aren't managing well your relationship,you may argue yourself why your marriage isn't working smoothly and sometimes you may even ignore some problems in detail and hope everything goes as they will.Or you may choose to be do something but you actually haven't seen any good results. When you become tired, you may be still unsatisfied with your
    Gregg Michaelsen 7 years ago 8567
  • Freedom from Judgment is the Freedom to Have What We Want

    When you're in a position of questioning the trust in your relationship,you're experiencing the difficulty of reestablishing the trust regardlss of the reasons for missing trust. If you work hard to manage your relationship again, it's really possible to return your marriage to a healthy and satisfying state. Understand what your spouse really valued behind their deeds is the
    Beth Banning and Neill Gibson 7 years ago 9683 Read more...

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